In addition to any applicable benefitâÃÂÃÂspecific exclusions, the following exclusions apply to all losses and all benefits. Unless otherwise shown below, these exclusions apply to you, your traveling companion, family member, host at destination, business partner, pet and service animal. This policy does not cover any loss for, caused by or resulting from:
(a) Intentionally selfâÃÂÃÂinflicted injury, suicide, or attempted suicide of you, or your family member, or traveling companion or business partner while sane or insane;
(b) War (whether declared or not) or act of war, participation in a civil disorder, riot, insurrection or unrest (unless specifically covered herein);
(c) Operating or working as a crew member (including as a trainee or learner/student) aboard any aircraftor commercial vehicle or commercial watercraft;
(d) A mental or nervous health disorder, as recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, includingbut not limited to AlzheimerâÃÂÃÂs disease, anxiety, dementia, depression, neurosis, psychosis, or any related physical symptoms;
(e) Being under the influence of drugs or narcotics, unless administered upon the advice of a physician as prescribed; or
(f) Intoxication above the legal limit at your location at the time of loss; or
(g) Commission orthe attempt to commit a criminal act by you, your traveling companion, or your family member, whether insured or not;
(h)The following activities are excluded:
(i) Any nonâÃÂÃÂemergency treatment or surgery, routine physical examinations, hearing aids, eye glasses orcontact lenses;
(j) Any treatment or medication which, at the time of departure, is required to be continued during the covered trip;
(k) Normal pregnancy or childbirth, or elective abortion. However, unforeseen complications of pregnancy are not excluded;
(l) Traveling for the purpose of securing medical treatment;
(m) Directly or indirectly, the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal,seepage, migration, escape, release or exposure to any hazardous biological, chemical, nuclear radioactive material, gas, matter or contamination;
(n) Care or treatment for which compensation is payable under WorkerâÃÂÃÂs Compensation Law, anyOccupational Disease law; the 4800 Time Benefit plan or similar legislation;
(o) Accidental injury or sickness when traveling against the advice of a physician;
(p) Care or treatment which is not medically necessary, except for related reconstructive surgeryresulting from trauma, infection or disease;
(q) Any loss, condition, or event that was known, foreseeable, intended, or expected when your policy was purchased;
(r) Any failure of a provider of travel related services (including any travel supplier) to provide thebargainedâÃÂàfor travel services or to refund money due you;
(s) Your participation in civil disorder, riot or a felony;
(t) Acts, travel alerts/bulletins, or prohibitions by any government or public authority, except asexpressly covered under Trip Cancellation coverage or Trip Interruption coverage;
(u) Pandemic or epidemic;
(v) Your failure to derive pleasure in, or benefit from, or profit from your covered trip.
(w) Payments made for this policy and any other insurance;
(x) Travel supplier restrictions on any baggage, including medical supplies and equipment;
(y) If your tickets do not contain specific travel dates (open tickets); or
(z) A diagnosed sickness from which no recovery is expected and which only palliative treatment isprovided and which carries a prognosis of death within six (6) months of your effective date.
(aa) Any loss or expense incurred as the result of a preâÃÂÃÂexisting medical condition.
We will waive the preâÃÂÃÂexisting medical condition exclusion if the following conditions are met:
(a) This plan is purchased within fifteen (15) days of initial trip payment;
(b) The amount of coverage purchased equals all prepaid nonrefundable payments or deposits applicable to the trip at the time of purchase and the costs of any subsequent arrangements added to the same trip are insured within fifteen (15) days of initial trip payment for any subsequent trip arrangements;
(c) All insureds are medically able to travel when this plan cost is paid; and
(d) The trip cost does not exceed $20,000, per person.
This coverage will be terminated and no benefits will be paid under this PreâÃÂÃÂexisting Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver coverage if the full costs of all prepaid, nonâÃÂÃÂrefundable trip arrangements are not insured.
Disclaimer: Travel insurance is designed to provide coverage for unforeseeable circumstances. The information provided is a brief summary. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions, and termination provisions of the plan described. Coverage may not be the same or available for residents of all states. For a full description of coverage, please carefully read your policy documents for limits and exclusions.