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What Is Not Covered (iTravelInsured Travel LX - US Fire Policy Exclusions)

Unless otherwise shown below, these exclusions apply to You, Your Traveling Companion, Family Member, Pet or Service Animal scheduled and booked to travel with You. The following exclusion(s) appl(y)(ies) to the Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption and Medical Expense. We will not pay for any loss or expense caused due to, arising or resulting from:

1. Pre-Existing Medical Condition, as defined in the policy;

2. Being arrested for a DUI/ DWI and as result, being admitted into a
  • (i) drug, marijuana or alcohol treatment facility;
  • (ii) jail; or
  • (iii) awaiting trial.

  • Death resulting from a Pre-Existing Medical Condition will not be excluded. Death must occur prior to the termination date of the benefit under which the claim is being made. The following exclusions apply to the Medical and Dental Expense benefits. We will not pay for any loss or expense caused due to, arising or resulting from:

    1. Routine physical examinations or routine dental care;

    2. Traveling for the purpose or intent of securing medical treatment or advise;

    3. Any Trip taken against the advice of a Physician and any losses occurred during such Trip;

    4. Mental health care;

    5. Physical therapy or occupational therapy;

    6. Experimental or Investigative treatment or procedures;

    7. Elective Treatment and Procedures;

    8. Care or treatment which is not Medically Necessary, except for related reconstructive surgery resulting from trauma, infection or disease that first manifests or occurred during Your Trip;

    9.Any medical service provided by You, a Family Member, or Traveling Companion;

    10. Any treatment or medication which, at the time of Your Scheduled Departure Date, is required to be continued during Your Trip;

    11. Alcohol, marijuana abuse or substance abuse or treatment for the same including admittance to a rehab facility;

    12. Normal pregnancy (except Complications of Pregnancy) or childbirth, except as specifically covered under Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption or elective abortion;

    13. A Mental, Nervous or Psychological Condition or Disorder unless Hospitalized or Partially Hospitalized while the policy is in effect. Hospitalized or Partially Hospitalized requirement does not apply to dementia when death results;

    14. Any loss that results from an illness, disease or other condition, event or circumstance that occurs at a time when the policy is not in effect for You. This exclusion does not apply to the Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation of Remains coverage;

    15. Your participation in Adventure or Extreme Activities, riding or driving in any races, or participation in speed or endurance competition or events, except as a spectator;

    16. Diving if You are not certified to dive and a dive master is not present during the dive.
  • 17. Your participation in an organized athletic or sporting competition, contest, or stunt under contract in exchange for an agreed-upon salary or compensation. This does not include athletes participating in exchange for a scholarship or tuition. In addition to any applicable benefit-specific exclusion, the following general exclusions apply to all losses and all benefits.

    We will not pay for any loss or expense caused due to, arising or resulting from:

    1. Suicide, attempted suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted injury of You, a Traveling Companion, Family Member or Business Partner booked and scheduled to travel with You, while sane or insane;

    2.Being under the influence of drugs, marijuana or narcotics, unless administered upon the advice of a Physician as prescribed;

    3. Activities, losses, or claims involving or resulting from possession, production, processing, sale, or use of marijuana, illegal drugs, alcohol or substances are excluded from coverage;

    4. Expenses incurred by any Child born or adopted during Your Trip;

    5. War or act of war, including invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities between nations (whether declared or undeclared), or civil war, except as the policy specifically provides otherwise;

    6.Participation in a Civil Disorder or Riot, or insurrection;

    7. The commission of or attempt to commit a felony or being engaged in an illegal occupation by You, a Traveling Companion, Family Member, or Business Partner;

    8. Directly or indirectly, the actual, alleged or threatened use, discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, escape, release or exposure to any hazardous biological, chemical, nuclear radioactive weapon, device, material, gas, matter or contamination;

    9. Air travel on a privately owned aircraft (whether as a pilot or a passenger);

    10. Piloting or learning to pilot or acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft;

    11. A loss or damage caused by detention, confiscation or destruction by customs;

    12. Failure of any tour operator, Common Carrier, or other travel entity, person or agency to provide the bargained-for Travel Arrangements for reasons other than Financial Insolvency or Financial Default. Important: there is no coverage for losses due to, arising or resulting from the Financial Insolvency or Financial Default of Your Travel Supplier or any entity that sold, solicited, negotiated, offered or disseminated this policy to You or Your Traveling Companion;

    13. Expenses resulting from a motor vehicle accident, unless the driver is properly licensed to operate the vehicle at the place and time of the Accident;

    14. Gross negligence, or Willful and Wanton conduct by You or Your Traveling Companion;

    15. Your Scheduled Destination Accommodations remains Uninhabitable or inaccessible after ninety (90) days from the date which Your Scheduled Destination Accommodations first became Uninhabitable or inaccessible as a result of a named hurricane or Natural Disaster, and the Travel Supplier failed to provide a refund or alternative Travel Arrangements;

    16. Cancellation due to lost or stolen Excursion tickets or vouchers or other Excursion documentation.

    MEDICALLY FIT TO TRAVEL EXCLUSION: We will not pay any expense as a result of You having been advised in writing that You, Your Traveling Companion, Family Member, Pet(s) or Service Animal(s) scheduled and booked to travel with You are not Medically Fit to Travel at the time of purchase of coverage for a Trip, as defined in the policy. If coverage for a Trip is purchased and it is later determined that You, Your Traveling Companion, Family Member, Pet(s) or Service Animal(s) scheduled and booked to travel with You were not Medically Fit to Travel at the time of purchase of coverage for Your Trip, as defined in the policy, the coverage is cancelled and premium paid will be returned.

  • Disclaimer

    Plan features listed here are high level, provided for your convenience and information purpose only. Please review the Evidence of Coverage and Plan Contract (Policy) for a detailed description of Coverage Benefits, Limitations and Exclusions. Must read the Policy Brochure and Plan Details for complete and accurate details. Only the Terms and Conditions of Coverage Benefits listed in the policy are binding.

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