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What Is Not Covered (Safe Travels USA Policy Exclusions)

We will not pay for any Accidental Death and Dismemberment or Paralysis loss or Injury that is caused by or that results from:

(1) Intentionally self-inflicted Injury.

(2) Suicide or attempted suicide.

(3) War or any act of war, whether declared or not (except as provided by the Policy).

(4) Service in the military, naval or air service of any country.

(5) Disease or bacterial infection except for any bacterial infection resulting from an accidental external cut or wound or accidental ingestion of contaminated food.

(6) Hernia of any kind.

(7) Piloting or serving as a crewmember or riding in any aircraft except as a passenger on a regularly scheduled or charter airline.

(8) Commission of, or attempt to commit, a felony.

(9) Injury or Sickness that occurs while the Covered Person has been determined to be legally intoxicated as determined according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Injury or Sickness occurred, or under the influence of any narcotic, barbiturate, or hallucinatory drug, unless administered by a Doctor and taken in accordance with the prescribed dosage.

(10) Flying in any aircraft being used for or in connection with acrobatic or stunt flying, racing or endurance tests; flying in any rocket propelled aircraft; flying in any aircraft being used for or in connection with crop dusting, or seeding or spraying, firefighting, exploration, pipe or power line inspection, any form of hunting bird or fowl herding, aerial photography, banner towing or any test or experimental purpose; flying any aircraft which is engaged in flight which requires a special permit or waiver from the authority having jurisdiction over civil aviation, even if granted.

(11) Specific named hazards: Abseiling, Aviation (except when traveling as a passenger in a commercial aircraft), BASE Jumping, Bobsleigh, BMX, Bungee Jumping, Canopying, Canyoning, Caving, Extreme sports, High Diving, Hang Gliding, Heli-skiing, Hot Air Ballooning, Inline Skating, Jet Skiing, Kayaking, Luge, Motocross, Motorcycling, MotoX, Mountaineering, Mountain biking, Mountain Climbing, Paragliding, Parasailing, Page | 10 V2 Parascending, Piloting any Aircraft, Racing of any kind, Rock Climbing, Rodeo Activities, Rappelling, Scuba Diving, Ski Jumping, Skydiving, Snow Skiing, Snowboarding, Snowmobiling, Spelunking, Surfing, Trekking, Water Skiing, Wind Surfing, White Water Rafting, Zip Lining, Zorbing.

(12) All professional, semi-professional, amateur, club, intramural, interscholastic or intercollegiate sports.


Plan features listed here are high level, provided for your convenience and information purpose only. Please review the Evidence of Coverage and Plan Contract (Policy) for a detailed description of Coverage Benefits, Limitations and Exclusions. Must read the Policy Brochure and Plan Details for complete and accurate details. Only the Terms and Conditions of Coverage Benefits listed in the policy are binding.

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