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What Is Not Covered (Trekker Choice Policy Exclusions)

Exclusions and Limitations: What the Plan does not pay for Excluded Services The Plan does not provide benefits for:

  • 1. Any amounts in excess of maximum amounts of Covered Expenses stated in this Plan.
  • 2. Services not specifically listed in this Plan as Covered Services.
  • 3. Expenses incurred in the Home Country.
  • 4. Services or supplies that are not Medically Necessary as defined by the Insurer.
  • 5. Services or supplies that the Insurer considers to be Experimental or Investigative.
  • 6. Expenses incurred for elective treatment or elective surgery which can safely be done after the Covered Person returns to their Home Country.
  • 7. Services received before the Effective Date of Coverage or during an inpatient stay that began before that Effective Date of Coverage.
  • 8. Services received after coverage ends unless an extension of benefits applies as specifically stated under Extension of Benefits in the ‘Who is Eligible for Coverage’ section of this Plan.
  • 9. Services for which the Covered Person has no legal obligation to pay or for which no charge would be made if he/she did not have a health policy or insurance coverage.
  • 10. Services for any condition for which benefits are recovered or can be recovered , either by adjudication, settlement or otherwise, under any workers’ compensation, employer’s liability law or occupational disease law, even if the Covered Person does not claim those benefits.
  • 11. Treatment or medical services required while traveling against the advice of a Physician , while on a waiting list for a specific treatment, or when traveling for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment.
  • 12. Services related to pregnancy or maternity care other than for complications of pregnancy that may arise during a Trip Coverage Period.
  • 13. Conditions caused by or contributed by (a) The inadvertent release of nuclear energy when government funds are available for treatment of Illness or Injury arising from such release of nuclear energy; (b) A Covered Person participating in the military service of any country; (c) A Covered Person participating in an insurrection, rebellion, or riot ; (d) Services received for any condition caused by a Covered Person’s commission of, or attempt to commit a felony or to which a contributing cause was the Covered Person being engaged in an illegal occupation; (e) A Covered Person voluntarily using illegal drugs; intentionally taking over the counter medication not in accordance with recommended dosage and warning instructions ; and intentionally misusing prescription drugs .
  • 14. Any services provided by a local, state or federal government agency except when payment under this Plan is expressly required by federal or state law.
  • 15. Professional services received or supplies purchased from the Covered Person, a person who lives in the Covered Person's home or who is related to the Covered Person by blood, marriage or adoption, or the Covered Person’s employer.
  • 16. Inpatient or outpatient services of a private duty nurse.
  • 17. Inpatient room and board charges in connection with a Hospital stay primarily for environmental change, physical therapy or treatment of chronic pain ; Custodial Care or rest cures; services provided by a rest home, a home for the aged, a nursing home or any similar facility service.
  • 18. Inpatient room and board charges in connection with a Hospital stay primarily for diagnostic tests which could have been performed safely on an outpatient basis.
  • 19. Dental services, dentures, bridges, crowns, caps or other dental prostheses, extraction of teeth or treatment to the teeth or gums, except as specifically stated under Dental Care for Relief of Pain and/or Dental Care for Accidental Injury in the Benefits section of this Plan.
  • 20. Dental and orthodontic services for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction ( TMJ ).
  • 21. Orthodontic Services, braces and other orthodontic appliances.
  • 22. Dental Implants: Dental materials implanted into or on bone or soft tissue or any associated procedure as part of the implantation or removal of dental implants.
  • 23. Routine hearing tests or hearing aids.
  • 24. Optometric services, eye exercises including orthoptics, eyeglasses, contact lenses, routine eye exams, and routine eye refractions, except as specifically stated in this Plan.
  • 25. An eye surgery solely for the purpose of correcting refractive defects of the eye, such as near-sightedness (myopia), astigmatism and/or farsightedness (presbyopia).
  • 26. Outpatient speech therapy .
  • 27. Any Drugs , medications, or other substances dispensed or administered in any outpatient setting except as specifically stated in this Plan. This includes, but is not limited to, items dispensed by a Physician.
  • 28. Any intentionally self-inflicted Injury or Illness . This exclusion does not apply to the Emergency Medical Evacuation Benefit, to the Repatriation of Mortal Remains Benefit and to the Bedside Visit Benefit.
  • 29. Cosmetic surgery or other services for beautification, including any medical complications that are generally predictable and associated with such services by the organized medical community. This exclusion does not apply to Reconstructive Surgery to restore a bodily function or to correct a deformity caused by Injury or congenital defect of a newborn child, or to Medically Necessary reconstructive surgery performed to restore symmetry incident to a mastectomy.
  • 30. Procedures or treatments to change characteristics of the body to those of the opposite sex. This includes any medical, surgical or psychiatric treatment or study related to sex change .
  • 31. Treatment of sexual dysfunction or inadequacy.
  • 32. All services related to the evaluation or treatment of fertility and/or Infertility , including, but not limited to, all tests, consultations, examinations, medications, invasive, medical, laboratory or surgical procedures including sterilization reversals and In vitro fertilization.
  • 33. Cryopreservation of sperm or eggs.
  • 34. All contraceptive services and supplies, including but not limited to, all consultations, examinations, evaluations, medications, medical, laboratory, devices, or surgical procedures.
  • 35. Orthopedic shoes (except when joined to braces) or shoe inserts, including orthotics.
  • 36. Services primarily for weight reduction or treatment of obesity including morbid obesity, or any care which involves weight reduction as a main method of treatment.
  • 37. Routine physical exams or tests that do not directly treat an actual Illness, Injury or condition, including those required by employment or government authority.
  • 38. Charges by a provider for telephone consultations.
  • 39. Items which are furnished primarily for the Eligible Participant’s personal comfort or convenience (air purifiers, air conditioners, humidifiers, exercise equipment, treadmills, spas, elevators and supplies for hygiene or beautification, etc.).
  • 40. Educational services except as specifically provided or arranged by the Insurer.
  • 41. Nutritional counseling or food supplements.
  • 42. Durable medical equipment not specifically listed as Covered Services in the Covered Services section of this Plan. Excluded durable medical equipment includes, but is not limited to: orthopedic shoes or shoe inserts; air purifiers, air conditioners, humidifiers; exercise equipment, treadmills; spas; elevators; supplies for comfort, hygiene or beautification; disposable sheaths and supplies; correction appliances or support appliances and supplies such as stockings.
  • 43. All infusion therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hemodialysis together with any associated supplies, Drugs or professional services are excluded.
  • 44. Joint replacement or arthroplasty surgery of any kind.
  • 45. Surgical treatment to the spine, back, or discs of the spine , unless it is the result of an accident that occurred during the Trip Period.
  • 46. Growth Hormone Treatment.
  • 47. Routine foot care including the cutting or removal of corns or calluses; the trimming of nails, routine hygienic care and any service rendered in the absence of localized Illness, Injury or symptoms involving the feet.
  • 48. Charges for which the Insurer are unable to determine the Insurer’s liability because the Eligible Participant or a Covered Person failed, within 90 days, or as soon as reasonably possible to: (a) authorize the Insurer to receive all the medical records and information the Insurer requested; or (b) provide the Insurer with information the Insurer requested regarding the circumstances of the claim or other insurance coverage.
  • 49. Charges for the services of a standby Physician.
  • 50. Charges for animal to human organ transplants.
  • 51. Under the medical treatment benefits, for loss due to or arising from a motor vehicle Accident if the Covered Person operated the vehicle without a proper license in the jurisdiction where the Accident occurred.
  • 52. Loss arising from a. participating in any intercollegiate/interscholastic sport, contest or competition; b. participating in any intramural sport competition, contest or competition; c. participating in any club sport competition, contest or competition; d. participating in any professional sport, contest or competition; e. while participating in any practice or condition program for such sport, contest or competition; f. Racing or speed contests; g. SCUBA diving in excess of 20 meters in depth; h. sky diving, mountaineering (where ropes or climbing gear are customarily used), ultra-light aircraft, parasailing, sailplaning, hang gliding, bungee cord jumping, spelunking, or extreme skiing.
  • 53. Claims arising from loss due to riding in any aircraft except one licensed for the transportation of passengers.
  • 54. Treatment for or arising from sexually transmittable diseases . (This exclusion does not apply to HIV, AIDS, ARC or any derivative or variation.)
  • 55. Under the Accidental Death and Dismemberment provision , for loss of life or dismemberment for or arising from an Accident in the Covered Person's Home Country.
  • 56. Under the Repatriation of Remains Benefit and the Medical Evacuation Benefit provision , for repatriation of remains or medical evacuation of the Covered Accident in the Covered Person's Home Country.
  • 57. Treatment of Congenital Conditions .
  • 58. Whenever coverage provided by this Certificate would be in violation of any U.S. economic or trade sanctions , such coverage shall be null and void.
  • Disclaimer

    Plan features listed here are high level, provided for your convenience and information purpose only. Please review the Evidence of Coverage and Plan Contract (Policy) for a detailed description of Coverage Benefits, Limitations and Exclusions. Must read the Policy Brochure and Plan Details for complete and accurate details. Only the Terms and Conditions of Coverage Benefits listed in the policy are binding.

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