About VisitorsCoverage
Insurance for the way you travel™
Who is VisitorsCoverage?
We're an insurtech company revolutionizing the way travelers search for, compare, purchase and manage their travel insurance.
Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, we’re disrupting the global travel insurance industry by innovating consumer-focused marketplace resources to help travelers find the best travel insurance plans available anywhere in the world.
Our Story
VisitorsCoverage was founded in 2006 to not only satisfy the insurance needs of international travelers, but to do it differently. Built on the belief that choosing the best travel insurance should be simple, we set out to empower travelers to make informed decisions through the power of technology.
For over 18 years, we’ve been dedicated to improving the travel insurance industry and helping travelers around the globe. Recognized as an innnovative InsureTech100 company for 2 consecutive years, we continue to innovate for the best travel insurance solutions to the challenges of the ever-changing travel landscape.
- Our Vision:
- To be an essential partner for every traveler.
- Our Mission:
- To educate travelers about the importance of travel insurance and help provide them with safer and stress-free travels.
Our Promise
Exceptional Service
In addition to a seamless online experience, our dedicated team of licensed travel insurance experts provide top-notch customer service to make sure each traveler gets all their questions answered. Millions of customers have trusted us to find the right travel insurance plans.
Pioneer in Insurtech
VisitorsCoverage offers travel medical and trip insurance plans from leading insurance carriers.
We help travelers compare plans easily and even offer specialized plans that they won't find anywhere else.
Tireless Innovation and a Focus on the Future
The travel landscape changes as often as technology. We're dedicated to anticipating these updates and innovating travel solutions to give customers the best online experience, products, resources and tools for the way they travel.
What Our Customers Are Saying
Awards & Recognition
Every accolade we earn reaffirms our commitment to simplifying travel insurance. These honors fuel our dedication, spur our pursuit of excellence, and drive us to continually elevate the travel insurance journey for our customers. Our recent achievements include being named in FinTech Global's 2024 InsurTech100 list, the 2024 Travel Weekly Magellan Silver Award, and two Gold 2024 Titan Business Awards for Sustainability Initiative of the Year and Insurance Provider and Services. Discover our complete awards portfolio.