Medical Evacuation Insurance Explained

Medical Evacuation Insurance Explained

When doing your research on travel insurance, you may have come across a specific benefit - emergency medical evacuation.

While this benefit may not seem as crucial as some of the other benefits that travel insurance can offer, it is extremely important and valuable, especially for those traveling outside of their home country.

Let's take a look at exactly what medical evacuation is and how important coverage for this service can be.

What Is Emergency Medical Evacuation?

Emergency medical evacuation refers to the necessary transport of an individual who is seriously injured or ill to the nearest medical facility that is equipped to treat them.

This can often include transportation by ambulance, air, or a combination of both.

Typically, emergency medical evacuation is used in situations where an individual needs immediate medical attention when their condition is extremely severe or life-threatening in nature.

When Is Emergency Medical Evacuation Necessary?

Emergency medical evacuation can be deemed necessary in situations where there are no medical facilities nearby that are equipped or able to treat a severe injury or illness.

Medical evacuation can also be necessary when a severe injury or illness occurs in a desolate area and the nearest hospital or medical facility is far away.

How Much Is Medical Evacuation?

Emergency medical evacuation is a very expensive service, ranging between $25,000 to $50,000 on average in the U.S. for an airlift of around 50 miles.

Internationally, however, medical evacuation costs can be significantly more expensive, ranging from $100,000 to $250,000 without insurance.

Does Travel Insurance Cover Medical Evacuation?

Most travel insurance policies offer coverage for emergency medical evacuation.

Coverage typically includes transportation by air and ground transportation to and from the nearest airport by the hospital providing treatment.

Additionally, emergency medical evacuation coverage in travel insurance can also cover your return transportation back to your country of residence or where the evacuation initially occurred.

When looking for a travel insurance policy, it is recommended to select a plan that offers at least $250,000 in emergency medical evacuation coverage.

Under What Circumstances Is Medical Evacuation Covered?

In order for medical evacuation to be covered under travel insurance, your circumstances must meet the criteria defined in your policy for this benefit.

Typically, the medical evacuation must be:

  • Pre-certified, meaning that the insurance company is contacted for approval of the medical evacuation
  • Condition has to be extremely severe and life-threatening, and the emergency medical evacuation is deemed absolutely necessary
  • The medical evacuation can not be of your own free will or choosing

How Do Medical Evacuation Coverage Limits Work?

In travel insurance, emergency medical evacuation benefits are typically independent of your policy maximum.

For example, if your plans covers emergency medical evacuation up to $1,000,000, and your policy maximum is $250,000, your emergency medical evacuation coverage is separate from your total policy maximum and also won't count towards your policy maximum.

Does Medical Evacuation Coverage Include Pre-existing Conditions?

While travel insurance typically excludes pre-existing conditions, there are some plans that will cover emergency medical evacuation for serious injuries or illnesses related to pre-existing conditions where evacuation is deemed necessary and lifesaving.

In cases where your plan excludes pre-existing conditions but allows for emergency medical evacuation due to pre-existing conditions, it is important to note that only the medical evacuation would be covered if eligible in this instance, however your treatment at the medical facility may not if your condition is related to pre-existing conditions and pre-existing conditions are excluded in your plan.

Is Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage Necessary?

Having medical evacuation coverage is extremely valuable for travelers, especially when venturing outside of your home country.

This service can be very expensive without insurance, which can leave travelers vulnerable to a huge financial strain if an emergency were to occur.

Additionally, with travel insurance, the insurance provider will help arrange your emergency transportation, which can be helpful for those traveling abroad where navigating a foreign healthcare system can be tricky.

With medical evacuation coverage, you can have peace of mind during your travels knowing that you will have coverage and can receive life-saving transportation if needed.

Secure Coverage for Your Travels

Emergency medical evacuation is just one of many important benefits of travel insurance.

If you are planning a trip abroad, don't leave your home country unprotected. Secure vital medical coverage with a travel insurance plan from VisitorsCoverage.

Compare travel insurance plans to find the right coverage for your trip or contact our Customer Success Team for assistance.

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