Travel Insurance for Cuba

Cuba Flag


to Cuba!

Bienvenidos a Cuba! Located in the Caribbean, Cuba is a vibrant and captivating destination known for its rich history, lively culture, and stunning landscapes. From the colorful streets of Havana to the pristine beaches of Varadero, Cuba offers a unique travel experience. As you prepare for your trip, it's important to prioritize your health, safety, and well-being.Here are some key points to consider for a safe and enjoyable trip to Cuba:


When you venture into Cuba, obtaining travel medical insurance or trip insurance, offers crucial protection against unforeseen costs like medical emergencies, misplaced baggage, canceled flights, or unexpected disruptions to your plans. With travel insurance as your safety net, you can wholeheartedly immerse yourself in the marvels of Cuba, knowing that you are safeguarded every step of the way.

Here are some essential tips to know when visiting Cuba:

Health and Safety

Ensuring your health and safety is crucial when traveling to Cuba.

  • Prioritize your well-being by maintaining good hygiene practices, such as washing your hands regularly.
  • Stay updated on any health advisories or requirements issued by local authorities, particularly during times of disease outbreaks.
  • Familiarize yourself with the healthcare system in Cuba and ensure you have adequate travel insurance to cover any medical expenses.
  • In case of emergency, dial the following numbers: Emergency Services: 106 (police), 104 (ambulance), 105 (fire).
  • Carry necessary medications and copies of prescriptions in your carry-on luggage.
  • Follow any public health guidelines or advisories, such as mask-wearing or social distancing measures.


Cuba is generally considered safe for travelers, but it's important to be aware of potential risks and take necessary precautions:

  • Exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded tourist areas or urban centers.
  • Keep your belongings secure and within sight to prevent theft or pickpocketing.
  • Avoid displaying expensive jewelry, electronics, or large sums of money in public places.
  • Use reliable transportation options, such as registered taxis or reputable car rental companies.
  • Stay in well-lit and populated areas, especially at night, and be cautious when walking alone.
  • In case of emergency or if you witness a crime, contact the local police or emergency services.

Transportation Security

When it comes to transportation security in Cuba, here are some key points to ensure your journey is secure and hassle-free:

  • Use registered and licensed transportation services, such as official taxis or reputable car rental companies.
  • Keep your valuables secure and within reach while using public transportation or at transportation hubs.
  • Be cautious of your surroundings when using taxis and ensure they have functioning meters or agree on a fare beforehand.
  • If driving, familiarize yourself with local driving laws and regulations, and always wear seatbelts.
  • Secure your vehicle and belongings when parking, and avoid leaving valuables visible inside.

Road Safety

Exploring Cuba by road can be an exciting adventure. Here are some key points to consider for a safe road trip:

  • Observe and obey traffic laws, speed limits, and road signs.
  • Be cautious of road conditions, especially in rural areas or less-traveled routes.
  • Take breaks when needed to avoid driver fatigue, especially during long drives.
  • Plan your route in advance and consider using GPS navigation or having a reliable map handy.
  • Be mindful of pedestrians, cyclists, and local transportation sharing the road.

Wildlife and Nature

Cuba's natural beauty and biodiversity are truly captivating. Here are some key points to ensure a harmonious and safe experience with the country's wildlife and nature:

  • Respect wildlife habitats and observe animals from a safe distance to avoid disturbing them.
  • Refrain from feeding or touching wild animals, as it can be harmful to their well-being.
  • Follow park regulations and guidelines when visiting protected areas or national parks.
  • Be aware of any specific risks associated with certain wildlife species or natural environments, such as reefs or mangroves, and take necessary precautions.
  • Practice responsible tourism by leaving no trace and disposing of waste properly.

Natural Disasters

Cuba can experience natural disasters such as hurricanes and tropical storms. Here are some key points to be aware of and prepared for in case of natural disasters:

  • Stay informed about weather conditions and any potential risks by monitoring local news, weather forecasts, and advisories.
  • Follow instructions and guidance from local authorities regarding evacuation procedures and emergency shelters.
  • Have an emergency kit ready, including essential supplies like food, water, medication, flashlight, and a portable battery charger.
  • Secure your accommodations and belongings to minimize damage during severe weather events.
  • Stay away from beaches and coastal areas during hurricane warnings or high surf conditions.
  • Stay connected with your embassy or consulate for any emergency updates or assistance.

Travel Resources for Cuba

Please note that the content provided is intended as a general overview, and it is always recommended to stay updated on the latest information and follow local guidelines and regulations during your visit.

For comprehensive information on travel tips, attractions, accommodations, and more, please visit the official tourism website of Cuba.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, historical landmarks, and breathtaking landscapes of Cuba. By staying informed, respecting local customs, and prioritizing your safety, you'll have an incredible and memorable experience exploring the wonders of this unique country. Enjoy your journey through colonial streets, pristine beaches, and lively music-filled plazas that Cuba has to offer!