What Is Expat Health Insurance & What Does It Cover?

What Is Expat Health Insurance & What Does It Cover?

Medical care is an aspect of living and working abroad that can be difficult to navigate. Especially in a new place abroad, figuring out which doctors to visit or how insurance can be used can be tricky.

With expatriate health insurance, you can secure coverage for medical care when you need it and receive assistance for finding medical services to reduce stress and simplify the international healthcare process.

Who Is Considered an Expat?

An expatriate or expat typically refers to an individual who lives in another country other than their home country for 12 months or more.

An expat may choose to live abroad for work, school, relationships, or just lifestyle preferences. Expats can include students, retirees, professionals, or family members who are accompanying someone abroad.

What Is Expat Health Insurance?

Expatriate health insurance is a form of global health insurance that offers medical coverage for those who are working or living in another country. This ensures that an individual has insurance for any medical care that they need while living internationally.

This can be crucial for those working internationally because most domestic health insurance plans do not follow an individual overseas, meaning they may be at risk financially if medical care is required during one’s stay.

What Does Expatriate Health Insurance Cover?

Expat health insurance typically covers preventative care, routine care, emergency medical care, mental health assistance, maternity care, and more. 

There are also options for additional add-on coverages for dental, vision, life insurance, terrorism, accidental death and dismemberment, sports protection, and more.

Coverage will vary from plan to plan, so it’s important to compare expat health insurance plans to find a policy that best fits your individual needs.

Does Expat Health Insurance Cover Families?

Yes, most expatriate health insurance plans do offer coverage options for spouses and dependents of the insured.

Does Expat Insurance Cover Preventative Care?

Expat health insurance does offer coverage for certain preventative care, since these plans are comprehensive medical policies designed to offer coverage to individuals internationally for an extended period of time.

While most preventative care services or treatment will be covered, it’s important to review your policy’s coverage details to understand any exclusions or limitations associated with preventative care.

Does Expat Insurance Cover Maternity Care?

Maternity care can be covered under expatriate insurance if the pregnancy occurred during the effective dates of your policy. 

There may also be a waiting period for this type of coverage, so it’s ideal to read your policy’s fine print to understand how long one must wait to be eligible for maternity coverage and any possible exclusions or limitations.

Does Expat Insurance Cover Mental Health?

Mental health services are often protected under expat medical insurance plans, depending on the plan. This benefit can be especially helpful for those living in a new country and navigating a completely foreign environment. 

Look for a policy that offers mental health coverage if this is a benefit you are interested in, and be sure to understand if there are any waiting periods necessary for coverage to kick in and any exclusion associated with this type of coverage.

Where to Buy Expat Health Insurance

Expat health insurance can be purchased online through trusted travel insurance providers such as VisitorsCoverage. 

Interested in learning more? Compare available expat health insurance plans or reach out to our Customer Success Team with any questions.