If you're an employer or someone who travels for business, you've probably heard the term "Duty of Care." But you may not know exactly what that means. As an employer, it's important to be clear on what Duty of Care entails and how you can ensure it for your employees. Simply put, Duty of Care is defined as an employer's responsibility and obligation to protect their employee's health, safety and wellbeing while at work and/or performing work duties.One of the main ways you can help fulfill Duty of Care for your traveling employees is by purchasing employee travel insurance.
When you fail to take Duty of Care into account, you're putting your employees at risk. There may also be legal implications if an incident occurs and employer negligence can be proven.
Duty of Care & International Business Travel
When you set Duty of Care standards, you need to focus on your employees outside your workspace just as much as those in-house. Travel insurance is especially important for companies where employees travel often for work because business travel poses a number of risks, including flight accidents, illness, injury, terrorism and kidnap & ransom, among many others. But, luckily for businesses, Duty of Care requirements for business travelers can be satisfied by Business Travel Accident (BTA) insurance.
If you're an employer or someone who travels frequently for work, be sure to think about Duty of Care and travel insurance for business travelers that includes BTA insurance the next time business travel is discussed. If you need help choosing the right business travel insurance options for you and your employees, our Customer Success Team can help.