Group Travel Insurance for Employers

Group Travel Insurance for Employers

In the global world, it is often the case that global companies send a group of employees overseas for specific assignments or extensive conferences for a temporary period of time. When visiting a foreign land, it is crucial for all travelers alike to stay protected regardless of the nature of the trip and the same goes for business travelers

Purchasing a group travel insurance policy for employees embarking on a business trip will not only provide protection and peace of mind, but it is also cost effective, hassle free, and significantly more convenient than purchasing individual policies.

What Is Group Travel Insurance?

Group travel insurance allows you to purchase a single master travel insurance policy for a large group of people, all under the same benefits and coverage. A group travel insurance policy for businesses helps keep employees protected from unforeseen circumstances in an organized fashion.

What Are the Benefits of Group Travel Insurance for Business?

There are several benefits to buying a combined group travel insurance policy for a group of employees. These include:

  • Employees do not need to have the same travel dates (just need to be purchased together), which provides flexibility for different employees attending conferences or events annually.
  • Employees working remotely on a global scale can all be covered under the same policy.
  • A group insurance plan protect's a company's investment in travel by providing coverage for unforeseen illnesses, injuries, or travel disruptions.

All travelers in a business group insurance policy will have the same coverage limits and benefits.

Why Choose Group Travel Insurance

As you plan travels for a group of employees, it is important to ensure that they have medical coverage, especially when traveling abroad. There are several advantages to opting for a group travel insurance policy for all of your traveling employees rather than purchasing individual policies.

It's Cost Effective

When it comes to purchasing travel insurance, the cost is often the main concern and when buying insurance for multiple people, buying separate policies for each individual can be very expensive. Purchasing a group policy for a group of business travelers going on the same trip is significantly more cost effective for employers.

It's Easy and Convenient

Purchasing travel insurance inevitably entails filling out paperwork based on trip specifics, inputting traveler details, and submitting payment information, so when it comes to doing this for a large group of people, undergoing this process for each individual separately can be extremely repetitive and frustrating, not to mention time consuming, especially if its all for the same trip. 

When a group travel insurance policy is purchased, multiple insurance ID cards are distributed for each insured individual, but its much easier to manage, as it only entails keeping track of one policy as opposed to several separate policies and is especially more manageable for the HR department in terms of maintaining employee records.

It Provides Liability Protection

While it is easy for those planning a business trip to assume that there aren't any risks being taken based on the nature of the travels, the fact of the matter is that anything can happen and not being protected from the unknown can be a big mistake for both the employer and the travelers. 

Whether the travelers will be sitting in meetings for the duration of the trip, partaking in hands on activities, or overseeing onsite projects in a factory setting, unexpected illness, injury, baggage loss, emergency evacuation, or in extreme cases, even kidnap, ransom, or theft could occur. 

In any of these cases, being protected by a group policy will not only ensure that the travelers are well taken care of, but that the employer is protected by any financial burden or legal issues as a result of the unexpected event.

Protect Your Employees

Ensuring that your business travelers are equipped with adequate coverage begins with selecting a group travel insurance plan that best fits your company needs. 

Submit a quote request to compare plans and view pricing. For specific questions and inquiries, contact our Customer Success Team.

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