Travel Insurance for Pregnancy (What You Need To Know)

Travel Insurance for Pregnancy (What You Need To Know)

Traveling internationally while pregnant can definitely bring some uncertainty, especially when it comes to medical care. When traveling while pregnant, it’s important to consider the fact that you may need to receive medical attention at some point during your travels, and whether or not healthcare would be covered outside of your home country.

If you must travel internationally while pregnant, it’s crucial to understand how travel insurance and pregnancy work and what your options are for medical coverage abroad.

Does Travel Insurance Cover Pregnancy?

Due to the short-term nature of travel insurance, it does not offer coverage for pregnancy-related services such as prenatal check ups, labor and delivery or maternity care.

The reason that travel medical insurance doesn’t cover pregnancy-related care is due to the overall purpose of travel insurance, which is to offer protection for unforeseen medical events that specifically occur during one’s travels after the policy effective date. It is not meant to act as your domestic healthcare plan which one would likely use for preventative care, check-ups, doctor visits, prescriptions, and pregnancy care.

While travel insurance doesn’t cover pregnancy-related care, it still can cover a pregnant person if they need medical attention for a new injury or illness not related to the pregnancy that happens during their trip.

Additionally, there are select travel medical insurance plans that do offer limited coverage for emergency medical treatment due to pregnancy or complications due to pregnancy.

It’s crucial to review a policy’s exclusions before purchasing, as some travel medical insurance plans may not offer coverage for pregnant travelers.

Is Pregnancy a Pre-existing Condition for Travel Insurance?

Yes, for most travel insurance plans, pregnancy will be listed as an exclusion under a pre-existing condition classification. This is because the pregnancy existed prior to the effective date of the travel insurance policy, and therefore is considered a pre-existing condition

Pre-existing conditions are often excluded from travel insurance policies due to their high-risk, and pregnancy falls under this category.

What Is the Best Travel Insurance for Pregnancy?

While travel medical insurance doesn’t cover pregnancy-related care, and may not offer coverage for pregnant travels, there are a few plans that are recommended for those who are pregnant and are looking for some protection while traveling abroad.

Atlas America is a travel medical insurance plan for those visiting the U.S. from abroad that may cover complications due to pregnancy within the first 26 weeks of gestation.

Visitors Protect is a travel medical insurance plan for international travelers to the U.S., Canada, and Mexico which can provide coverage under certain conditions in the unlikely event of a life threatening emergency occurring while pregnant and traveling.

Safe Travel USA Comprehensive is a travel medical insurance plan for non-U.S. residents traveling to the U.S. or internationally and may cover a limited amount for emergency medical treatment due to pregnancy.

Review a plan’s brochure for complete coverage details and limitations and exclusions. All situations are heavily reliant on a physician’s diagnosis.

Should a Pregnant Traveler Get Travel Insurance?

While travel insurance doesn’t directly cover pregnancy-related care, there are still instances in which having travel insurance while traveling pregnant can be extremely beneficial. 

Having a travel medical insurance policy while traveling abroad can help protect a pregnant traveler if they happen to get injured or become ill during their trip, unrelated to their pregnancy. In this circumstance, a travel insurance policy can offer coverage for eligible medical expenses incurred.

Additionally, one of the plans listed above that offer limited coverage for emergency situations related to pregnancy can give you peace of mind that you may be covered in the event of an emergency situation while traveling pregnant.

As a pregnant traveler, you may also consider opting for trip insurance, which is insurance specifically for trip-related expenses as well as offering other benefits, such as coverage for accident and sickness or lost baggage.

Does Travel Insurance Cover Cancellation Due to Pregnancy?

If you purchase a trip insurance plan, a plan that offers trip-related coverage for prepaid and nonrefundable travel expenses, it will cover cancellation due to pregnancy under certain circumstances.

Trip cancellation due to pregnancy can be covered if:

  • You or a traveling companion have verified medical records of a pregnancy complication after the effective date of your coverage, or
  • You or your traveling companion have to cancel your trip due to pregnancy or childbirth, as verified by medical records, after the effective date of your policy

Conditions may vary from plan to plan, so it’s recommended to read your trip insurance policy’s description of coverage to understand under what circumstances trip cancellation would be covered due to pregnancy.

Tips for Traveling While Pregnant

If you are planning to travel internationally while pregnant, it’s important to keep in mind the following:

  • Be prepared for emergencies and medical care, and the costs associated with paying out of pocket for medical fees in the event of unforeseen pregnancy complications abroad.
  • If visiting the U.S., look into local charitable hospitals or federal programs for benefits related to pregnancy care coverage.
  • If you are being sponsored by someone to visit the U.S., keep in mind that your sponsor may be legally responsible for any expenses incurred for medical care that is received.
  • If possible, it is advised to avoid traveling internationally while pregnant to reduce risk and potential financial burden.
For more information about traveling while pregnant, see our Travel Tips for Expectant Mothers.

Stay Protected Abroad With Travel Insurance

If you are currently pregnant and are planning to travel abroad, it’s important to consider travel insurance, whether medical coverage or trip insurance coverage, to ensure that you are protected abroad for circumstances unrelated to pregnancy.

Compare travel medical insurance plans or trip insurance plans or contact our Customer Success Team with any questions. We are happy to help!

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